The Postcolonial Experience - Decolonizing the Mind : New Edition Viewfinder Topics

Mitchell, Dr. Michael, 2005
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Medienart Buch
ISBN 978-3-526-51006-2
Verfasser Mitchell, Dr. Michael Wikipedia
Systematik Oa - Lexika
Schlagworte Englisch, Sprache, Langenscheidt, Viewfinder, The Postcolonial Experience
Verlag Langenscheidt-Longmann
Ort München
Jahr 2005
Umfang 64
Altersbeschränkung keine
Sprache englisch
Verfasserangabe Dr. Michael Mitchell
Annotation The exciting `new literatures in English` have emerged from the countries of the fromer British Empire in the last decades, reflecting the experience of people all over the world struggling to achieve economic independence and find their own cultural voice.
The texts and illustrations chosen here focus on five main regions: India, Southern Africa, Nigeria, Australia and the Caribbean, showing facets of their contemporary concerns and issues that originate in the beginnings of Empire.
Each text is accompanied by additional information, structured tasks and hints for further reading that help in reaching insights into a multitude of cultures with which we can communicate through the medium of English as a world language.
The accompanying Resource Book offers detailed commentaries on content and background to facilitate access to the texts.It can be used by students to develop further the skills acquired and practised in the tasks.
A collection of short stories by authors from the Caribbean (Viewfinder Literature) can be used as an ideal extension to a course on `postcolonial` themes.


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